Sunday, June 16, 2013

Happy Father's Day 2013!

What do dads want for Father's day?  I think the answer is similar to what moms want.  In addition to having the "day off,"  I think simply knowing you are appreciated for what you do is all that is required.  I'm lucky that my husband is very hands on and although I am sure we both wish the other would do more, we share the tasks together.  So today, my main gift was to let him do what he wanted..and that was to stay in bed as long as he wanted, not go anywhere, and to have some quiet time lol.

My day started early so I could run to the store and fix breakfast.
Cheese grits, sausage, cheese eggs, and avacodo and egg bake (heard through co-worker via Facebook/Pinterest)

Vanilla and blueberry pancakes..can't wait till next month when our own blueberries will start coming in!

Next:  setting up the gifts!
It's the little things that count..I think the cards and picture meant more than anything else!
 The rest of the day consisted of nap time for everyone and playing with N while daddy had some "me time."  Hubby even gave me a break from cooking dinner and we ordered pizza.  N is only 15 months and this is Daddy's second Father's day. Even though N is too young to know what's going on, he loves his daddy and shouted plenty of "Dada's" throughout the day as well as jumped on Daddy.  Can't wait for next year..Thanks for all that you do!


  1. Hi I don't see a "contact me" link on your blog do leaving a comment. I saw your blog in the file section of the Box Exchange B/S/T group and wanted to let you know I started a new Facebook group solely for sub box giveaways. Only posts by the host are allowed so it won't get flooded with 3rd party giveaway posts. If you're looking for a great place to post your sub. giveaways, check out the page at You may already have joined the group nut not sure, so sending a message.

    Thank you,

    Crazy 4 Subscription Boxes

    1. Thanks so much! I actually am already on that group and will forward this info on to other readers in an upcoming post! Just subscribed to your blog as well :)
